Member Expectations:
- Do Fun
- Do Work
- Do Stuff
- Do Heckle
- Do Art
- Do Dues
- Do Cleaning
- Do More
The fine Print
- Dues: Yearly dues are collected from each Zoom member going to the burn prior to leaving for the playa and are used to provide collective camp services, i.e. camp infrastructure, camp art pieces, art car, grey water disposal, truck rental, etc. For questions about this year's dues please Contact Zoom
- Dues for 201
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- Dues for 201
- Your place in camp is guaranteed by paying your dues. Refunds on pre-paid dues are available until July 1st, after which we can NO LONGER REFUND DUES PAID. If you have questions, please Contact Zoom.
- Work Parties: Regular work parties will be scheduled through out the year to help work towards the goal for Zoom for that year's burn. Members are strongly encouraged to participate in as many work parties as possible. Zoom creates lots of art and interactivity pieces which requires lots of people hours prior to the burn in order to fully be realized on playa. If a member is unable to attend a particular work party they are expected to let the team leader for that party know in advance. Work parties are a lot of work, but are also mixed with lots of socializing, food, & beverages.
- Mandatory Work Parties: There are a couple of work parties that are considered mandatory. These will be listed in the Work Party Calendar and in the Member's Only Page. Mandatory Work Parties are usually limited to loading the box truck (pre-playa), unloading the box truck (post-playa), and cleaning/laundry (post-playa) work parties. Unless your absence as been approved by a Zoom board member or there are extremely extraordinary circumstances members are expected to participate.
- Art: Zoom highly encourages members to create their own camp art. All art is highly encouraged as long as it fits in with or doesn't clash wish Zoom's Under the Sea art theme.
- Our major projects for 2015 include an octopus radio tower, four brand new fire cannons, an improved playground, a public bubble lounge, an interactive RBG kelp forest, and a massive sound system.
- Good Neighbors: Zoom is supportive and respectful of our burner neighbors both on and off the playa. When our neighbors ask for help Zoom members are quick to lend a hand. This also applies to our camp mates. Don't be the problem-- find the solution!
- Moop: PICK UP MOOP!!!
- Setup & Clean Up: Camp members are expected to be part of the setting up and/or tearing down camp. The more people we have helping the faster things get done.
- On Playa Orientation: Every person in camp will receive an on playa orientation from one of the Zoom camp leaders upon arriving on the playa. This orientation will make sure everyone knows where key aspects of camp are (i.e. location of grey water container, kitchen, camping area, public space, private camp space, shower, etc.).
- Meals: Zoom has one common shared meal per day, usually dinner. Dinner is served near sunset. If you want to have dinner with Zoom that day, be there before sunset. If your team is in charge of a common meal for that day make sure you start preparing and cooking your meal with plenty of time. Meal teams are also in charge of cleaning up their dishes and the kitchen after their meal.
- Ice Runs: Daily ice runs will be made in the morning by the scheduled ice team.
- Tents/Yurts: If you're planning on bringing a tent or yurt we need to know the dimensions of it so we can plan the camping/shade area accordingly. This is especially important if you plan on bringing a large tent (i.e. 4+ person tent) or yurt.
- Shade: Zoom provides common shade cube structures that provides plenty of shade for the kitchen, pantry, eating area, and most reasonably sized tents. Yurts are often much larger and are often positioned in the rear of the camping area. <See Previous Camp Map Example>
- Vehicle(s): If you are bringing a vehicle on playa, Zoom camp leaders need to know the anticipated vehicle you plan on bringing. Vehicles are usually placed a specific pattern around the common camping area to help provide shade and privacy.
- Arrival & Departure Times: Camp leaders need to know each member's anticipated arrival and departure times so we can plan setup and tear down crews accordingly.
- Carpool/ Ride Share: Especially since all vehicles on playa require a vehicle pass, it is highly recommended that camp members plan a ride to and from the playa. Anticipated departure and arrival times as well as ride share options will be posted in the Member's Only section as that information becomes available.
- Personal Gear: Some Space in the box truck will be made available for personal gear. However, space is at a premium and it is preferable for members to bring their personal gear in their own vehicles when possible. Be aware that Zoom traditionally packs every possible cubic inch of space in the box truck full of stuff.
- Garbage/Recycling: ALL members are expected to bring back as much garbage/recycling as they can. This is a leave no trace event. If you can pack it in then you can pack it out. This is especially true If brought food or drink to the playa that was not consumed during the event. However, any left over booze that you would like to donate to Zoom is greatly appreciated and can be used for future Zoom Events.
- Fun: Most importantly, Zoom members have a lot of fun together. Zoom is a close knit family that works extremely hard. Be prepared for lots of playful heckling. Zoom members spend lots of time together as a group both on and off the playa. Be prepared to have lots of fun.
Have any questions?